Of all the assets that make up an estate, the most complex and valuable is often the closely-held business. The business represents a lifetime of effort and the source of wealth, income, and great satisfaction. The first hurdle in succession planning is to understand what the owner has to pass along. Establishing the nature of the business and the ownership interest is critical to accurately and efficiently implementing a succession plan. Putting a value on that interest is easily the most difficult part of determining “What do I have?”
Hiring the right valuation firm is obviously a crucial decision. Arxis Financial’s valuation specialists provide clients with a comprehensible valuation that aids attorneys, business owners, management, and financial planners in succession planning. We also have extensive experience in presenting and defending our findings in the context of litigation. Our clients benefit from having valuation professionals who understand the realities of market valuations, resulting in very defensible valuations. Our experts are well-known in the industry and highly respected for their depth of knowledge and resources.
The Business Valuation practice is headed by partner Chris L. Hamilton, CPA, CFE, CVA. Mr. Hamilton is a Certified Public Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, and a Certified Valuation Analyst. He is a licensed life and disability insurance agent and a General Securities Representative. Mr. Hamilton has published articles in several publications, and has made presentations at national conferences, training institutes and seminars on topics including forensic accounting, fraud and business appraisal.
If you have any questions about Business Valuation Services for Succession Planning, please feel free to contact us.