Increasingly, businesses are being victimized by embezzlement and fraud, which are serious and costly crimes. Arxis Financial’s forensic and fraud accountants assist in determining the extent of monetary loss or damages and who committed the fraud.
A detailed fraud examination can uncover a dizzying maze of transactions, documents and stonewalling. Forensic experts use a variety of techniques to detect fraud and trace misappropriated cash. By scouring the company’s financial ledgers and supporting documents, a Certified Fraud Examiner can help unravel the web of fraudulent transactions. For example, the investigator may review or reconcile the company’s bank accounts, identify payees, track electronic transfers and payments through the company’s general ledger, and scrutinize documents supporting check disbursement, such as vendor invoices and expense authorizations.
Our forensic and fraud accountants serve a critical role in both plaintiff and defense matters. We have extensive experience in determining the necessary documentation, discovery approaches, and management of these documents. We then evaluate, analyze, summarize, and present the evidence. In conjunction with Arxis Financial’s experts, the attorney can assess whether fraud occurred, the legal and financial viability of the case, and the best litigation strategy.
If you have any questions about Forensic Accounting Services for Embezzlement and Fraud, please feel free to contact us.