The latest issue of our “Insights on Valuation” newsletter is now available. Arxis Financial, Inc. is pleased to provide this highly respected, nationwide publication which features valuable information that is applicable to many litigation matters. Topics in this issue include:
• How to Select a Business Valuation Expert – The selection of a business valuation expert becomes critical if you or your clients have a need to “know” the value of a business. There are several considerations that must be made before selecting an expert. The primary consideration is the purpose of the valuation. The following are qualifications and characteristics that would apply in any engagement …
• Roles of the Business Broker and Business Valuation Analyst – Business owners look to business brokers for assistance in the valuation and sale of their business. The broker advises and represents the seller in their common goal to locate a buyer. They quickly become a team sharing their perspectives and experiences to find “a deal” they can accept …
• How to Review a Valuation Report – Business valuations are prepared for many purposes, including litigation, estate and gift tax, and the purchase or sale of a business. To properly understand and utilize a valuation, the reader should critically review the report to determine its accuracy and reasonableness. In reviewing a business valuation report, the reader should determine …